Easter 2022 in Ocean Park

Marsh and I spent Easter weekend in Ocean Park, WA, with a handful of friends, including Cheryl and Mack. We’ve been enjoying many weekends on the peninsula with them, actually!

It’s so nice to waking up to Cheryl’s beautiful backyard view. She says that Marshal and I bring the sun every time we visit from Vancouver. ☀️

This is the weekend that Marshal picked up a love for crossword puzzles. The man wouldn’t stop!

Cheryl visiting her newest Airbnb purchase, The Blue Pearl.

These beautiful views are from “the bay side” over in Oysterville.

Allie and Jolie the day before Easter Sunday. 💛

Caity and Cheryl preparing one of our delicious weekend feasts. 💛

Marsh and Darryl on very different bikes 😆

Allie and Jolie with their Easter baskets on Easter morning 🐰

We had a huge Easter feast on Sunday before driving back to Vancouver. Before the feast, though, we walked down to the beach, had such a fun experience clamming for the first time, then went to work and cleaned the clams in Cheryl’s kitchen.

Walking the beach on a sunny morning, especially with low tide, is just so peaceful and magical. ✨

Finding and capturing these clams was THRILLING to say the least.

Caity Clam

Mack Daddy

Marsh and I can’t wait until next clamming season! 😄


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